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Hypertension is a multifactorial disease that spread with high rate in the world particularly in the developing countries like Pakistan. This disease leads to complications such as heart and kidney diseases, disability, stroke and organ failure. Appropriate management require many drugs therapy acting at multiple therapeutic sites. Apart from inappropriate control on the progress of hypertension, these drugs are associated with some limitations including polypharmacy, side effects, cost, availability and selectivity. To address these challenges, globally, attempts are focused on the indigenous traditional medicines (herbal drugs) to explore them as alternate to overcome some of the major issues with the antihypertensive drugs. In the past, therapeutically important medicinal plants have played a vital role in the development of novel drugs. Efforts need to put in exploring indigenous alternative herbal drugs and the active constituents to address some of the issues like polypharmacy and cost effectiveness. Traditional herbal drugs proved to be effective alternative source; however pharmacological investigation needs to be conducted to identify the important potential therapeutic agents. Six plants, based on their therapeutic use in the management of hypertension, have been selected. These important herbal drugs includeAgrimonia eupatoria, Cichorium intybus, Rosa brunoniiLindl.,Olea ferruginea Royle, Cotoneaster acuminatus,and Maytenus royleanus. These medicinal plantswill be collected and subjected to extraction (cold maceration) with appropriate solvents. Phytochemical studies, supported by HPLC, GC/MS, will be carried out to identify different constituents and comparison studies will be carried out with standards drugs. This project will be an endeavor to investigate the pharmacological effects of these plants using animal models of hypertension. In vivo studies will be performed on the crude extracts, fractions and constituents (listed below) in different hypertensive rat models, using non-invasive method of blood pressure monitoring. It is a direct method allowing to study antihypertensive effect over a period of time. This will be followed by extensive in vitro studies to investigate the underling cardiovascular mechanisms of the antihypertensive effect. The constituents from these plants, such as agrimoniin, taraxeron, baurenylacetate, Oleuropin, ligstroside, stigmasterol and urosolic acid, will also be tested using similar procedures and protocols. The response will be measured and analyzed using high-tech integrated power Lab data acquisition system. This project is expected to come up with exciting combination of multiple antihypertensive constituents in same formulation (herbal extract). The combination of different constituents is expected having synergistic and side effect nullifying potential. A correlation will be established of these constituents with the natural herbal drug. These combinations (comparatively will be very cheaper) possible be communicated for mutual benefits with pharmaceutical industries for clinical trials in human population (next phase). The constituents can be further developed into more specific and selective agents (next phase).
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